DSL November Read: Gwen's Pick

The Testing of Luther Albright: A Novel by MacKenzie Bezos
I'm not at all trying to rush people with the October read, but since I still haven't received the T.C. Boyle book through interlibrary loan, I thought I could contribute by at least informing y'all of the next book.
I need to say upfront that I cannot in any way vouch for the decency of this book. I haven't read it. I read a couple of reviews that caught my attention and made me want to read it, but I never got around to it. And more importantly, it's a book I actually have access to.
I think it's been out since 2005, but if it's hard to get at the library or whatever, let me know and I have a couple of other potential picks that are older and should be easy to get.